Thursday 26 September 2013

The Battle by Mekeisha

Once there was a horse-person. She lived in a stable house. Her name was Bobet Wills. She loved to go on quests. But people thought she was an angel. But she was just like you and me, a normal horse person.
Bobet loves to play with her friends and family. She loves to play in the park the best of all.

Suddenly Scull Duggery Pleasant comes to see her and says “Jordan is in trouble, you need to go and rescue him otherwise he will die!” Ok I will go and find him!” Bobet exclaimed.
So Scull Duggery left the Mansion and hopped in his colourful Mercedes bends.
Bobet left her Mansion and hopped in her car. She set off on her journey. She crosses the London Bridge and runs into a big beast. His name is Sir Edmund Hilary. He can breathe fire, fly and ROAR like a dinosaur.
Bobet challenges him to a duel. Sir Edmund Hilary agrees to the duel. He says meet me back here at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
Bobet meets him back on the London Bridge at 4 on the dot. When she gets there he finds two Gods, Aphrodite and Zeus but no beast. The Gods give her two gifts; they’re wind force, and a machete sword.
Suddenly she heard the flapping of wings. She turned around and saw the beast coming towards her at lightning speed. She used wind force to keep him from coming at her. Bobet cries “Give me back my brother Jordan or else.”So he said where Jordan is but Bobet didn’t believe him. So she killed him and went and looked under the brig and found him in a little hut. Bobet was so happy to see him again. I hope that you can wait until the next story.

The Pink Wolf by Timothy

Once, years ago, there were no grey or white wolves, only pink ones that looked like they had been skinned and were living. This is the story of how they got their white and grey fur.
“Hawoo!” Raw was having a bad night. Raw was a sleek, pink and cold wolf that had been ignored by all the wolves in his clan. He was confused. He had gone out hunting and had met the old witch of the forest.

Raw crept along silently stalking his prey, careful not to startle it.
“Well, well, well just look at this a wolf stalking my very own pet bunny.”
Raw jumped surprised he could understand the old women standing behind him.
“How should I punish you?” The woman asked herself.
It was just then that Raw realised that the old woman was the witch of the forest.
“Wrrgrrrrr!”Raw growled.
“I’ve got an idea! How about you will stay pink and ugly and your fellow wolves will be sleek, grey and white! That sounds good”

The next day when Raw returned to his den he found that all the wolves were grey and white.
“Who are you?” one asked.
“Why, but I’m Raw! You know me!”
“Hahaha! That’s a good one Raw! Yep, you’re looking pretty Raw to me! Now, why don’t you go away to your own den.”
“Nicely put Dan! I couldn’t have done better!”
So with that Raw slunk away to somewhere far far away.

Bang! “Dang, I missed him!”
“Grrrr!” Growled Raw advancing on the hunters.
“Quick! Put a new bullet in and shoot him before he gets to us!”
One hunter loaded a gun and aimed it and shot, Bang!
“Hawhoooo!” Raw cried, the bullet biting into his chest.
“Hawhoo!” Came an answering cry.
Suddenly the area was filled with sleek grey wolves, when they who had cried, they turned their backs and ran off.

So that is why wolves are white or grey and you never see pink and white ones unless they’ve been skinned.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Meeks Grain Elevator by Nina

Nina Nina! Was all you could here in Oamaru in 1898 because a famous building called Meek grain elevator was getting burnt down.
It all started a long long time ago Meek grain elevator wanted to be the biggest and tallest building in Oamaru but everyone was sick of Meek grain elevator saying,
“More I wanted to be the best and tallest building in Oamaru”!
Everyone listened to him hopping he would shh it was 1897 went we got the 7th storey done.
A year pushed Meek grain elevator was still winning.
In 1898 the people in the old part of town were furious with rage to knock Meek grain elevator down then a little girl from the mob of angry people said,
“In stead of knock the building down we should burn the building down”    
So they did and meek grain elevator lost 4 stories and was very sad and angry with the people of Oamaru.
So Meeks grain elevator never ever talked again.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Hungry Sheep by Tess

“Hayden make sure you feed the sheep.’’ Ruby said as she left. “Bye Mum’’ “And Dad’’ she add.

That night Hayden thought about feeding the sheep, but then didn’t because he was to busy playing on his IPod.

The next day when Ruby got home she asked “did you feed the sheep’’ “no’’ he said worried. Then Ruby said annoyed and loud “why don’t you take care of any-ones thing.”
And run up to feed lolly some sheep nuts, she put them in the trough and gave her a nice soft pat.

The message was:
Take care of other peoples things.

Rex the lonely penguin by Monique

One day when the sun was shining on Moeraki boulders Rex and Max were swimming out deep. Rex raced Max back; but Max was miles behind. Rex was hungry and all his fish was he had eaten them all. He thought
“Max has lots of food he won’t mind.”
When Max came in Rex was fast asleep with all his food on his face on the stone shelf there was 1 can of food left. Max raced over and woke Rex up.
“Rex you ate all my food get out, I don’t want to see you again. I worked hard for my food and you just ate it all! GET OUT!!”
Rex walked on sadly. No one liked him not even his family. After a while he found a small hole and from this day he will stay in that hole till the sunsets only then will he leave.

     Don’t be selfish but share with others!!